act resilient


Resources Suicide Prevention...


There is no absolute list of signs and symptoms, as each person is unique.  If you feel you are at risk, get help immediately, even if you aren’t sure.

Here are some significant warning signs:

·        Threatening to hurt or kill oneself or talking about wanting to hurt or kill oneself.

·        Looking for ways to kill oneself by seeking access to firearms, available pills or other means.

·        Talking or writing about death, dying or suicide when these actions are out of the ordinary.

·        Feeling hopeless.

·        Feeling rage or uncontrolled anger or seeking revenge.

·        Acting recklessly or engaging in risky activities.

·        Feeling trapped.

·        Increasing alcohol or drug use.

·        Withdrawing from friends, family and society.

·        Feeling very anxious or agitated

·        Unable to sleep, or excessive sleeping, sleep disturbances.

·        Dramatic mood changes.  Feeling very unbalanced.

·        Seeing no purpose for living or having no sense of purpose in life.

·        Feeling disconnected to everyone and everything.


·        Be direct.  Talk openly and matter-of-factly about the feelings and issues the person is experiencing.  Ask them if they are feeling suicidal.  If they say yes, take action immediately.

·        Be willing to listen.  Allow them to express their feelings openly.

·        Be non-judgmental.  Don’t get into a debate about right and wrong, or judge the person for what they are feeling.

·        Get involved with the person, try to engage them in things that help them feel connected to you and others.

·        Show interest in what they are feeling.  Ask “How can I support your right now?”

·        Don’t dare him or her to do it.

·        Don’t act shocked.  Empathize with the emotions they are experiencing.

·        Don’t be sword to secrecy.

·        Offer hope that alternatives are available, but don’t offer pat or glib answers by saying things like: “Cheer-up, snap out of it,” or, “You’ll be fine.”

·        Remove means of suicide, such as guns, stockpiled pills or other means.

·        Get help immediately from trained health professionals specializing in crisis intervention and prevention.  Call the suicide hotline : 800-273-TALK – 800-273-8255

Source:  National Suicide Prevention LIfeline